Here is the shortbread I learned to bake last weekend. Very excited, it was quite long time I didn't bake.. I guessed that's more than 10 years I has stopped become mummy's assistant in baking.
And I pick up again last weekend, hope I didn't forget much.
Here is the recipe for the shortbread
4oz Butter
2oz Sugar (if you don't like too sweet like me, you may reduce to 1.5oz sugar)
2oz rice flour
4oz wheat flour
a bit of salt
Just couldn't believe I made it and got the compliments from my family members...
In the end, I baked twice in a day.. cause the demand was too high..hahah
Shortbread was my favor cookie when I was young. I remember once, I injured my leg, and every alternate day I needed to go for wound dressing. Each time I went for dressing, I cried very hard, I can't stand with the pain. Mummy found out after few treatments from aunt who took me to the clinic. Therefore, mum baked the shortbread that I love to cheer me up. So, before I went for the dressing, I picked few shortbread and stuff in my pocket before heading to the clinic. While the General Practitioner was handling my wound, I was eating the shortbread. The shortbread was too delicious till I forgot the pain and no cried...And it was too delicious till I forgot to offer to the GP..hahaah...Start from there, each time I went for wound dressing, the shortbread tagged along till I recovered.
It has been more than 15 years mum didn't bake shortbread for me after that. Mum was too busy with so many stuffs. Last year I received shortbread as gift from my friend, when I tasted, I missed the shortbread that my mum baked, I missed so much.
Therefore, this year I bought the shortbread as a Christmas gift present for my mum. I told her, I miss her shortbread, I miss her so much....With this incident, I want to learn how to bake shortbread. Enjoy ya !!!
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